My show: "the Garden in the Summer" -Botanical studies in Oil is now up at the Romano Gallery, Blair Academy, Blairstown, NJ until January 7th.  (To view the show over the Holidays, Call (908)-362-6121 for an appointment).

The work was completed in May and June of 2016.  Each day, I would venture outside, wander in my wife's garden until I saw something that captured my attention.  Invariably, I ended up following the blooms as they cycled through the season.  Each was completed in one or two afternoons, just as the afternoon light faded.

Working with a thick, marble dust and oil medium, I was able to paint  with impasto freely.  Close up, the paintings take on an abstract form of swirls and waves of color.

Also included in the show are botanicals in watercolor, fresco and inlaid scagliola.  These work serve as a comparison of similar subjects completed in different media. 

Lastly, are 3 figure studies in Watercolor, Ink and Pastel.  They are a product of my weekly figure study sessions.

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